
Sharon Mattes
Oct 2, 20202 min read
Insurance Payment for Lactation Services
Looking for a Lactation Consultant provider who will ‘take your insurance’? That is Not how this works! Here’s what you can do: Step 1)...

Cleo Marchese
Mar 26, 20203 min read
COVID-19 or Mastitis? How can I tell the difference?
In a post COVID world, some mothers are rushing to the hospital or their doctors office because they believe they have COVID-19. Only to...

Cleo Marchese
Jan 16, 20203 min read
My Baby Is Still Nursing Poorly After A Frenotomy. What Can I Do?
It is very frustrating to new mothers to have a baby still not nurse well after a frenotomy. Sometimes a tongue tie is diagnosed in the hos

Cleo Marchese
Sep 30, 20193 min read
Maternal Feelings and Sexuality After Birth: Loving the New You
Caring for a newborn can be physically and mentally exhausting. As a new mom, you maybe unprepared for all the new postpartum adjustments...

Cleo Marchese
Jul 8, 20193 min read
Summer Travel With Baby
So you are going to be one of the brave, the few and the fearless, a parent with a small infant on vacation. Before you begin your...

Cleo Marchese
May 31, 20194 min read
Engorgement: What is it and how to prevent it
Help with engorgement is probably the number one early breastfeeding call lactation consultants receive. The first few day after birth...

Cleo Marchese
Apr 23, 20194 min read
What is in your breast milk? A Lactation Consultant’s Guide
As new parents you hear lots of confusing comparisons between human breast milk and formula. Most of the articles are written by...

Cleo Marchese
Dec 20, 20182 min read
Holiday Gatherings: 10 Hot Button Things That You Should Never Say To A Breastfeeding Mom
The Holidays are a joyful time of year for most people, filled with the lights and sounds of holiday magic. Being a new mom at this time...

Cleo Marchese
Nov 29, 20183 min read
Considering Tandem Nursing?
For centuries, it was common for mothers to nurse two siblings who were not twins. For many families this may mean nursing a newborn and...

Cleo Marchese
Oct 15, 201817 min read
Natural Childbirth and Breastfeeding After Sexual Abuse
As lactation consultants, doulas, childbirth educations and other medical professionals, it can often be daunting to work with women who...

Cleo Marchese
Jun 28, 20183 min read
The 411 on Why Babies Can’t Latch or Suck After Birth
After birth, your baby may not be able to latch immediately or even for a few days after birth or the first week. You may assume this is...

Cleo Marchese
May 30, 20184 min read
The Fallacy Behind Bestfed
“I hesitated to get help with breastfeeding but it doesn’t really matter how my baby feeds, right?Because bestfed is best." Nothing is...

Cleo Marchese
Apr 5, 20185 min read
Dads Are Important to Breastfeeding, Too
So your wife is going to breastfeed, what does this mean for you? Before or after the birth of your baby, many fathers wonder about their...

Cleo Marchese
Dec 27, 20174 min read
Avoiding Mastitis: How busy schedules can stress your body.
Every year around mid-November lactation consultants see a spike in mastitis that peaks at the end December but often lingers until mid...

Cleo Marchese
Dec 23, 20163 min read
Surviving The Holidays: How to handle criticism
Being a new mom can come with a lot of challenges. New mothers often worried about how much their new baby is sleeping or eating. Are...

Cleo Marchese
Sep 28, 20163 min read
Considering Tandem Nursing?
For centuries, it was common for mothers to nurse two siblings who were not twins. For many families this may mean nursing a newborn and...

Cleo Marchese
Aug 31, 20162 min read
Zika: What a New Mother Needs to Know
Zika is a mosquito-borne virus that is transmitted during the daytime hours by female Aedes mosquitoes, such as A. aegypti and A....

Cleo Marchese
Feb 28, 20164 min read
Second baby? So you feel you are ready?
Adding a second baby to your family Every woman has thought about adding a second baby to their family. For multiple reasons, you desire...

Cleo Marchese
Jan 28, 20165 min read
Do you need gadgets to breastfeed? The Business of Breastfeeding
Since there have been babies women have breastfed, recently breastfeeding has surged in popularity in the US. It has become a booming...

Cleo Marchese
Nov 21, 20154 min read
The 411 on Breastmilk Storage: How to safely store breast milk
With so much information out there on breastfeeding, it can be really confusing for new mothers to decide what is best for their babies. ...